UnderGrad:PennStateU (ArchE/IndE)Juniata C. (BusLaw)Elmira C. (Biol,PolSc),
Uof Iowa (AmCiv)IowaStateU (CompSc)Mt.Mercy C. (Mktg)
Graduate:Elmira C. (CompSc,Ed)IowaStateU (CompSc)Uof Iowa (Business,MgtSystems)
Employment:GSA (handyman)USNR (RadarSN,DE708)OCFiberglas (StaffMethodsEngr)
GTE (Plant IE)CollinsCC (AdvPlanning)Hammermill (BusSysConsultant)
Fisher Controls (SysSupv) FCIntl (MatlMgt,InfoSys)Consultant, Mfg Systems
Basic English Institute, DirWeb MasterAuthor               Retired
Certif: B.S.(Ind.Engnrg)Professional EngineerM.A. (Business)
Fellow Prod&Inv MgtCert.Data Process MgmtCert.Comp Prog Management
Organiz: Prospect Hill Baptist ChurchBoy Scouts of America US Naval Reserve
Inst.of Indust EngrAm Humanist AssocNatl Soc.Prof.Engineers
OperResearchSocAmMENSA/IntertelRoyal Arch Mason
JayCees AmProd&Inv.ControlSoc.National Rifle Assoc
Izzac Walton LeaguePheasants ForeverIowa Woodland Owners
Lived : Centralia, IL Prospect Park, PA Subase, New London,CN LittleCreek,VA
StateCollege, PAHuntingdon, PA Stausburg, VANYC, NY
Aachen, GermanyLiege, BelgiumBloomfield, NJForest Inn, PA
Towanda, PA Cedar Rapids, IA Erie, PAMarshalltown, IA
Hobbies: BuildingComputingHusbandryInvestments
HistoryAnthropologyOutdoor workWeb pages
Ogden's Basic EnglishB-E InstituteWW2 PacificWWT
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    Last updated on April 15, 2004
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