Astronomical Timescale to Mankind
13,700,000,000 Big Bang!
13,320,000,000 Energy and matter decouple, Background hiss
13,300,000,000 First galaxies (heavy elements)
8.300,000,000 Milky Way
4,680,000,000 Our Solar System (earth molten)
4,500,000,000 Collision and moon forms from debris
4,200,000,000 Ocean starts to form on earth
3,500,000,000 Cells
3,000,000,000 Photosynthesis
2,000,000,000 Bacteria, single cell
1,100,000,000 Rodinia, first super-continent starts to form
1,000,000,000 Green algae, multicell life
900,000,000 Multicell animals
770,000,000 Earth frozen
750,000,000 Rodinia, starts to breakup
700,000,000 Plants on land
600,000,000 Pannotia, next super-continent forms
550,000,000 Pannotia starts to break up.
530,000,000 Fish start. Saccorhytus 540Mya
500,000,000 Venus volcanos turn that planet inside out.
450,000,000 Insects and seeds. Sharks.
360,000,000 Amphibians, vegetation
300,000,000 Reptiles, conifers
250,000,000 Early dinosaurs Triassic
220,000,000 Broadleaf trees, large dinosaurs
200,000,000 Mammals. Crocodile   Jurassic
180,000,000 Pangaea starts to break apart into our continents
150,000,000 Birds
130,000,000 Flowers
100,000,000 Beech and oak

65,000,000 Dinosaur extinction, half of all species. Opossum

2 . End of the Dinosaurs to Start of Modern Man
Hundred Million Years Ago to Ten Thousand

200,000,000 Mammals. Crocodile
180,000,000 Pangaea starts to break apart into our continents
150,000,000 Birds
130,000,000 Flowers
100,000,000 Beech and oak
65,000,000 Dinosaur extinction, half of all species. Opossum
50,000,000 Norharctus (lemar)
35,000,000 Grasslands dominate
10,000,000 Mountain building, recognizable mammals, fowl, apes
7,000,000 Sahelanthropus, ape man
6,000,000 Orrorin, upright man
5,600,000 Ardipotherus, chimp-like
3,700,000 Australopithecus, Lucy, 4’. Panama isolates the Atlantic
2,800,000 Homo Habilis to 1.5Myr. Start Paleolithic (Old Stone, pebble)
2,000,000 Homo Erectus to 500,K. Control fire, speak words, world-wide
1,000,000 Homo Antecessor to 250,000. Hair loss, darken skin
630-500 Günz-Mindel interglacial -- tools, make fire
500,000 Proto-Neanderthal
400,000 Homo Heidelbergensis (archaic H.S., Europe, 800K to 250K?)
350,000 Homo Denisova (Asian Neanderthal)
335,000 Homo Naledi to 200K (Africa)
320-200 Interglacial (warm period)
300,000 Homo Neanderthal (Asia, Europe)
300,000 Homo Sapien Jebel (Morocco, W Africa) <== New
195,000 Homo Sapien Omo to 105,000 East Africa)
160,000 Homo Sapiens Idaltu in Africa, stone blades, language. Eve
120,000 First out of Africa via Levant, died out?
100,000 Beginning of Würm glaciation. Homo Antecessor diesout.
80,000 Of a human pop of 2,000, 150 people crossed “Out of Africa”
75,000 Adam DNA ; Mt Toba supervolcano
70,000 Genetic bottleneck, 1K-10K population
60,000 Homo Sapiens from Africa to India.
50,000 Great Leap in human behavior
45,000 Homo Sapiens to Australia
40,000 Homo Sapiens Cro-Magnon from Asia to Europe
35,000 Beringia to 10K – Asia-N.Am land bridge
25,000 Homo Neanderthal goes extinct
20-12K Mesolithic Period, hunter-gather pre-agriculture
15,000 Homo Sapiens to Americas (Range 25-10K)
15-9K Ice Age extinction of large mammals
14-12K Oldest warfare site found, Jabel Sahaba
12-6K Neolithic Age (begin herding, agriculture) Pop 1 million.
11,000 Jericho, first town; Gobekli Tepe temple
10,000 Homo Sapiens Sapien (modern mankind, mix with Cro-Magnon)

3 . Modern” Timescale
Years Ago (not dates,-2K)
10,000 Homo Sapiens Sapien (modern mankind, replace Cro-Magnon?)
    Neolithic Age (hunter-gather → herding,agriculture) Pop 1 million.
9,000 Start of Holoscene Warm Age.
8,500 Agriculture, husbandry, pottery.
8,000 Cave paintings in Europe.
7,500 Start of Sahara desert. Bible Flood. Potter wheel, kiln.
7,000 Proto-Indo-European language develops on Caspian steppe.
6,500 Middle European solar circles (wooden Stonehenges)
6,000 Tamed horse. Proto-Indo-European spreads to India to Iceland
5,000 Pyramids, Stonehenge. End of Warm Age. Start Bronze Age
4,000 Proto-Indo-European replaced by localizations. Writing inventory
3,000 Iron age, Troy. Celtic Europe Abraham, Zoroaster, Homer
2,500 Greece, Alexander Buddha, Confucius
2,000 Rome. World Pop. 100 M Jesus
1,500 Byzantine, Rome dies of lead poisoning. Muhammad. Start Dark Age.
1,100 Charlemagne. Start Middle Ages
Start of Medieval Warm period, sea levels rise again. 1,000 Leif Eriksson,
900 Start Crusades. Battle of Hastings
800 Genghis Khan. Magna Carta End of Medieval Warm
700 Start Little Ice Age
650 Plague decimates Europe
600 Fall Constantinople, Columbus, Printing, Timer. Start Renaissance.
500 Di Vinci, Luther, Michelangelo, Copernicus. Little Ice Age 400 Shakespeare, Brahe, Galileo, Kepler.
300 Newton
250 Start Industrial Age, Franklin.
232 American Revolution. Watt.
200 Rumford, Napoleon
150 Civil War, Darwin End Little Ice Age
100 Model-T, Airplane, Einstein, Siberian meteor. GreatWhiteFleet
The greatest Generation
90 WWI, Carolina Parakeet extinct, anarchist bombings
80 Prohibition, Lindbergh
70 WW2. Birth of us’en
60 Berlin Blockade
50 The Fabulous 50's, Sputnik, magnetosphere
40 Birth of our children. Global cooling.
30 End Cold War, Berlin Wall down. Moon Landing.
20 World Wide Web. Millennial
10 War on Terror. Global warming
0 Hi there, class on Fridays

Move the last centuries up 10 years since this was first written.
100 ya The Greatest Generation
30 ya Millennials
+20 y2c Rise of the Robots

For variations on this theme:
This page is also on the internet and updated from time-to-time -- as a web page -- as a word.doc Other presentations for Creative Retirement.

jlb 20Aug’17