(truth.txt) 23March2017 A car company introduced a new small car ; to make it look bigger the had a promotional video made with Dustin Hoffman, a short actor at 5'-6". As I was making these notes we have an example that reveals the desires of the reporter, "Failed medical marijuana vote highlights challenges." It does not say, "Successful stop put to marijuana this time, but fight continues." We have lots of synonyms in English. Each may have slightly different meaning and emotional connotation. I once once writing out 50 variations for "house" in about 20 minutes. You can therefore slant the discussion if you call a house a palace or a hovel. Lawyers are expert at taking something a person said, and repeating it to a jury with an emotion laden synonym. A stick becomes a deadly weapon or becomes a twig depending on how he wants to play it. A plunking pistol becomes a high capacity, semi-automatic hand gun. The suspect had hundreds of rounds of ammunition. good grief, 22 shells come in a brick of 500. I have a half dozen bricks of all types : hollow point, ball, shot, long, short, frangible, thus many thousands. The Dec 8,, 1941 edition of the Chicago Tribune reported that the U.S. Navy's Battle Fleet was on its way to Tokyo. In fact, the U.S. battle fleet was sitting on the floor of Pearl Harbor. To every incumbent politician, the state of the economy is strong. To the challenger, it is in a state of disaster. Stay in your homes, the rains will stop ; while the burst dam is pouring water through the windows. Keep calm. Whenever there is a call to keep calm, it is probably time to panic. Press can be selective in what is reported. The select the most sensational and set the narrative in motion. A search of my house would uncover several dozen Christian Testaments, a dozen Holy Bibles, The Book of Mormon, Science and Health, Koran and the philosophical writings of Confucius, Buddha, Marcus, Plato, But you can be sure a reporter would uncover hidden among the rest of the books and report that the suspect studied the Satanic Bible and works by atheistic authors. There is in statistics a type I test and a type II test. Typically a type I test says if something is 5% good than is acceptable, and a type II test says if it is not 5% bad (need 95% good) you accept it. This leaves 90% to do with as you will by selecting the test to use. Need sunshine for a picnic or go to a movie if it rains. How you word the question determines 95% of the choices. Innocent until proven guilty. Avoid false positive. Statistical Quality Control. First impressions. Seldom seen in the riot scenes in the news that there is a the business-like assembly of people and their placards who then on the command, "we're ready to roll the cameras", will rise up to scream and protest for the "newsmen". Size. Jumbo is a term found in popcorn stands. Not in the full figured shop of a department store. What is the difference between "confessed" and "announced". In Basic English, the work is : "said". One of the intents of Ogden's Basic English is to remove emotion and be factual. Today there was a report of gigantic warships doing strange maneuvering off the coast of Wales. Fact, it was little Belgium coast guard cutters training away from the crowded English channel. Not nearly as sensational. Things are reported as ominous or delightful as in the mind of the observer. There are people who feel “secure” by the sticker on the entrance door to this building, saying “Gun free zone.” Others might feel ”vulnerable.” Some people on a highjacked airplane feel rescued when air force fighter planes appear on their wingtip. Fool. It is there to shoot you down over rural areas before you get to an urban population. Undocumented is to elicit a feeling of entangled in bureaucracy rather than criminal. By this definition a drug dealer is an unlicensed pharmacy; robbery a withdrawal without a signiture card on file. Opportunity to accept Islam or threat of death. Does "teens" bring thought of your innocent pre-college children. Or is it of the high school class of 1926 hitting the beach at Normandy? Is it Diversity or divisiveness? “New” often means the reporter is too young to know about it. The Cloud is marvelous. Puts everything about you in one place for the NSA and is a waiting disaster when the Cloud goes down, putting all the nation's eggs in one basket.