China may now be the greatest environmental polluter. May be that Creative Retirement book used lagging information. China, India, and Philippines are taking American jobs by, and are accepting outsourced jobs based on lower costs of not having environmental, worker safety, social security expenses included in their costs Story : Talking with a Chinese young lady this week. She had accompanied her husband to an American job. When asked in passing if she planned to eventually return to China , she replied. That was our original intent, to retire with our American savings. But that is no longer our plan. Even with money you can not buy air. “Air?” “Yes, the air at home is horrible/”. “But, won’t that improve with time?” “Never. Every year the population of China grows by the population of Australia. All increases in productivity go to feeding a new Australia. There is no chance the government will ever worry about making the air clean.” Cows, generators of methane, contribute more to pollution than cars. One volcano eruption in Indonesia created more pollution than a decade of industry. A forest fire in California turns the moon purple in Iowa. None of these concern SUVs. SUV’s are safer; it is a decision of personal choice to pay more in fuel to protect the soccer mom and the kids. Cows are sacred in India. Will that nation be exempted when some government says that the peoples of the world must sacrifice beef and milk for the greater good of global warming? Kyoto. Partial list of Developing Nations that do not have requirements. 111 countries not required to reduce pollution and 30 Annex I industrial nations are. 36 Annex 1 countries, 93 Non Annex countries Red China, India, Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Saudi Arabia Attachments : non-Annex.doc, and agree.txt