NEWS ARTICLES PROS (+) and CON (-) of GLOBAL WARMING March 6-8, 2007 These suggest Global Warming: + Brothel Owners Blame Global Warming for Staff Shortages... + SPORTS ILLUSTRATED Goes Green! Claims Mankind Creating 'Environmental Crisis'... + DiCaprio Heats up Global Warming with New Film Documentary... + Winter Warmest on Record Worldwide... + World may get greener, then wilt, due warming + Ex-CIA chief says USA must act on climate... + Environmental Guru Predicts Climate Doom: 'Billions of us will die; few breeding pairs of people that survive will be in Arctic'... + Global Warming: 'Girls Gone Green?' + Climate scientist sees cover-up + GORE SWEARS: 'Crisis threatens the survival of our civilization'... + 'Planetary Emergency'... + Dire warnings... + Congressman: Al Gore a 'prophet'... These stories are neutral on Global Warming 0 U.S. WINTER TEMPS NEAR AVERAGE... 0 Water Restrictions approved for S. Florida as drought worsens... 0 Snow blanketed much of Jordan on Thursday, briefly whited out road signs in Jerusalem. "0’ Thanks be to God for this blessing that he granted us with this snowfall," 0 Why is changing weather reshaping the sheep? 0 Global Warming Awareness Walk Braves Snow Storm... 0 Experts universally, and erroneously, predicted '06 would be busy year for storms... These suggest no Global Warming - Strongest snowstorm in half century buries China... - February was coldest in 28 years For Toronto... - Record Low Temps In New York City... - Coldest March day since 1950 in Massachusetts... - NOT AGAIN! D.C. 'Snow Advisory' Issued on Day of Congressional Global Warming Hearing... - FEDS: February Temperatures were below normal, 34th coolest in 113 years... - Danish scientist: Global warming is a myth... - Scientists blame Hollywood for increased fears... - Global Warming: Moving Towards Metrosexuals...steaks and hamburgers are classified as instruments of destruction, along with large vehicles, lawn mowers, and charcoal grills - GORE Faces Hill Grilling on 'Warming'... - Challenged to International TV Debate... - Researchers Question Validity Of A 'Global Temperature' - Czech President tells Congress: Environmentalism has replaced Communism as threat to freedom... [Can one draw the conclusion that factual events do not suggest warming, but that entertainment industry does? ] --------------------------------- There are many cycles effecting global weather. These cycles overlap so that when many cycles are up, the average temperatures go up and when many cycles are down at the same time then the average temps go down. Many cycles are effected by others, so that, acknowledging a time lag, they are self correcting. Over time, things average out. If not, then the world would be either totally frozen or totally steaming. The evaporation cycle of moving water from sea to air to land to sea is one self-regulating cycle. There is a lag in seeing these "internal" changes. Externally, the earth basks in the path of a burning sun. As at the beach, sun light intensity varies the temperature of sand and sunbathers. The sun has its cycles, called sun-spot activity. This is the "leading indicator" of future earth temperatures. ---------------------- In the period known as the Little Ice Age during the 16th century, the Baltic Sea froze so hard that hotels were built on the ice for people crossing the sea in coaches. The Little Ice Age is believed to have contributed to the end of the Norse colony in Greenland, which was founded during the 10th century, an interval of much warmer weather when Greenland was really green. And when grapes were harvested by Norsemen in Nova Scotia. There is a 500 year cycle that makes 20th Century a warm period. There is also a 40 year cycle that made "Global Cooling a concern in 1975. [News week] The Russian Academy of Sciences astronomical observatory predictions, based on measurement of solar emissions, is for a period of global cooling in coming decades, followed by a warmer interval. They expect the cooling to begin within a few years and to reach its peak between 2055 and 2060. They say, the global temperature maximum has been reached on Earth, and Earth's global temperature will decline to a climatic minimum. [The peak of global warming has already been reached. Manmade efforts to cool the earth are exactly out of sync with temperature direction, thus would cause colder cold period in coming decades.] ---------------------------------------- PROS and CONS We all know the harm that global warming. Polar animals will have to move further north. Bangladesh, Holland, and New Orleans will have to build higher dikes. What are the advantages: * Increased productivity of all sorts of vegetation. This includes food (and now, fuel) crops. * Higher productivity of livestock (weight gains through winter.) * Greater expansion of livable areas of the world: Greenland will become green again. Minnesota will become habitable. * New varieties of animals move north * Reduction of fuel bills * Fewer Iowan Sunbirds leaving the state. And will increase attendance of this class. * Our gardens will have a greater selection of flowering trees and shrubs * Just plain, more comfortable weather in Iowa -- with greater life pleasures at lower cost. Can we personally just appreciate the better weather? ---------------------------------------------------- Crazy-Sounding Ideas May Help Combat Global Warming. * There's the man-made "volcano" that shoots gigatons of sulfur high into the air. Mt Pinatubo erupted 16 years ago in the Philippines, it cooled the Earth for about a year because the sulfate particles in the upper atmosphere reflected some sunlight. [Creates sulfur dioxide -- anybody for acid rain?] * The space "sun shade" made of trillions of little reflectors between Earth and sun, with a cloud of 16 trillion small Frisbee-like spaceships. [20 million rocket launches - creating some pollution, damaging satellites and then falling to earth.] * The forest of "artificial trees" of chemical absorbers poles that suck carbon dioxide out of the air. [More chemicals take the CO2 out of the absorbers for reuse and then machines compress it into a liquid for shipment to somewhere else.] * And the "Geritol solution" in which iron dust is dumped into the ocean to grow plankton, an algae bloom that will drink up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. [Fertilizing the ocean does what to ocean wildlife?] ["The King, the Mice and the Cheese," by Nancy and Eric Gurney,] In the children’s book, should give scientists pause before taking extreme measures to mess with Mother Nature. A cheese-loving king's castle is infested with mice. So the king brings in cats to get rid of the mice. Then the castle's overrun with cats, so he brings in dogs to get rid of them, then lions to get rid of the dogs, elephants to get rid of the lions, and finally, mice to get rid of the elephants. In 1859, 12 wild rabbits were imported into Australia. They began colonizing in all directions. By 1907 the rabbits had reached both the west and the east coasts of Australia ; nothing could stop the plague of rabbits that were eating much of the sparse vegetation that supported Australia's huge sheep and cattle industry suffering enormous financial losses for the nation. --------------------------------- I have trouble taking any subject seriously when the book is so blatantly using propaganda techniques. * Page 17. The first statement of man as the cause of global warming without the slightest proof or discussion. In logic, this is called a false premise. The sun has something to do with temperature on earth. In fact an ISU meteorologist, first says that a banker is pleased with a 5% difference in loads to payments, then says, Solar contributes 95% to global warming, sun spot cycles, and 5% might be by man. * Page 17. * says warming might possibly raise ocean levels 3 inches to 34 inches. Yet later states a rise of 40 inches will cover 40% of Bangladesh. Not really fair to exceed the maximums. * Page 18. The US should prostrate its economy because China and India "might" accept and "should lead" in cutting emissions. Recommendation is based in Subjective tense. * page 18B. Aerosol gases pass heat in and keeps heat from going out. Intellectual dishonesty. Heat passes in and out. The earth is in rough balance, else it would be either steaming or frigid. Gases, example clouds, act as insulators. A thermos bottle keeps cold things cold and warm things warm. It does not generate cold or produce heat. [Clear skies cause sunburn days and release heat at night. Clouds block the suns heat and keep the heat in at night.] * Page 19. 30% rise in CO2 in 300 years. Yet later in the column says 3)% in 100 years. * Page 21. Proven and potential implications. Potential is unlimited up or down. Shoddy yet typical, wording. * Page 22. Lists only examples of bad from global warming. Selective reporting. * Page 22. Population of polar bears decreased. No proof of why nor offsetting increase of other animals. As one species population declines, another will grown to replace it. [TR : new bamboo in Iowa.] * Page 22. Warmth causes rain which will cause drought in Asia and Africa. Wow??? * Page 22. Rising temps effect human health, Paris 104F. Neglects to mention more comfortable in Iowa winters. And 30 years ago we had 6-days above 100F per year. Not now. * Page 22. New Orleans was destroyed by a hurricane. Neglects it was build below sea level. Let the people of the Bangladesh coast move to the newly green Greenland. * Page 24. Emissions trading. Hides the truth meaning that industrial nations pay to pastoral nations. A form of welfare taken from US taxpayers to give to Pacific islanders. * Page 25. Every pound of solid coal yields 3 pounds of CO2 gas. Seven pounds of liquid gasoline yields 22 pounds of gaseous CO2. * Page 25. Hydrogen requires electricity to separate it from water. Burning hydrogen returns water. With no change in matter, then energy-in is equal to energy-out. Is it still economical? If it were, we would be using it. Only wind, falling water, ocean waves, or things found on the ground are free energies. ** ?? Neglect natural sources of aerosols. Omitting of pertinent facts. Krakatau volcano in Indonesia in 1883 caused three year of below normal temperatures. Gases and particulates shielded the earth and reflected radiation. Forest fires in California cause purple moon in Iowa. Saddam Hussein torched the oil fields of Kuwait, seen from space stations. Cows pass methane gas into the air. A lot of gas. The cures are :-- to pass a law to outlaw volcanoes, to be sure to keep dictators happy, forbid use of the outdoors for picnics or camping, and to ban milk and steak. Lets see, does the source of mother's milk release any methane gas? Well, not in polite society, anyway.